Let’s talk about some scary stuff: anxiety, self-doubt, and fear.

It feels like a really weird time right now to be an artist, a creative person, or… just a (super) human.

There are technological upheavals, layoffs, wars, mean people in comment sections, and so much heavy stuff happening, in what feels like all around us, and all at once. I think we’re just doing the best we can to get through each day.

But sometimes you have a really bad moment that spirals into a bad day, and it’s just overwhelming.

To be honest, the internet and social media haven’t felt as fun for me lately, and I bet it’s probably felt similar for you, too, in whatever you’re dealing with. As a rule, I generally try to stay upbeat and positive, and feel like I mostly do a good job, but when I’m at a low point… it feels REALLY low.

I had one of those moments yesterday. It felt like a lot of things caught up to me, all at once (you know the expression, “When it rains, it pours?” yeah, that), and I think I just needed to let it out and have a good cry. But if you’re a busy bee like me, finding the time to just let it out is hard. But it’s so, SO important and I’m trying to show myself grace in those moments and schedule it when necessary.

Because once you face it and feel the thing, you can battle it and move on.

So if you were there for me yesterday (or checked in on me today), thank you. If you weren’t and you didn’t know I was struggling, please don’t be harsh with yourself (or me, my anxiety thanks you). I’m still learning how to reach out and accept help when I need it or it’s offered. I’m still learning that it’s not a weakness to be vulnerable.

What I’m trying to say is (and I say this to remind myself as well), that you don’t have to do it alone, and you probably shouldn’t.

See the greatness in yourself. But when you can’t, have a team of people who will remind you.

Then take it one step further, and remind others of their greatness and be the light in the darkness. You never know when someone really needs to see it.